About AVEX

Avex started production in2018 with the support of 25 years of experience in the ceramic tile industry and in collaboration with a team of architects & engineers. Avex Ceramic stared with a knowledge – based approach to brand infrastructure development, so Avex creators were able to take a major step- forward in innovating and producing world – class quality Iranian products but the whole value of Avex is not just about producing quality, having a precious place in the audience’s mind puts a targeted relationship with the promotion of new sales promotion ads. By studying audience behavior and understanding the philosophy of lifestyle; Avex began to taste for specific people. Avex mission is to create a magnificent advantage for the construction site.
Who we are

We are Avex

Every day through our projects we celebrate the love, the life, the desire to be happy and share special moments with the people we love.
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Avex founders, with over 25 years of experience in the ceramic tile industry and the market need assessment market has stablished a new product group over the past decade after reviewing and refining machine manufacturing and materials. The recruitment of specialists in the case began a study phase. Design Atelier with the participation of NITIDA Italia than started with the process engineering of R&D unit of product design and production phase. Launch of glass mosaic product line for indoor and pool use were new products that were added to the ceramic tile basket along with decorative shear products.

Out look

Avex is eyeing cross-regional export markets for the first five years of list branding, on the basis that the Iranian product, supported by quality in the production and recognition of world markets, can express Iranian brand know ledge and expertise in international competition launching more than 25 branches around the world to provide layout and installation engineering series in addition to offering Avex products. The project will start in October 2020, which currently in the preparatory phase.